Paper Mache Pinot Gris

Paper Mache Pinot Gris

Fermented in stainless steel. Naturally fermented. Bright, pale

straw yellow in colour. Aromas of lemon sorbet/zest with stone

fruit. Pear and peach adding to the inviting bouquet, while the

palate is treated to a smooth and rounded texture.

Paper Mache Pinot Gris

Adelaide Hills, South Australia

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Paper Mache

Pinot Gris

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Nero D'avola

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Grape varieties and wine styles have traditionally been pigeonholed to regions… Bordeaux has Cabernet Sauvignon and the Barossa has Shiraz. This historical alignment has served such regions well, but with the ‘creep’ of climate change and consumer tastes becoming more adventurous, this is a perfect time to introduce a new mindset for Australian Wine.

Australia has a long and deep love affair with a handful of grape varieties, many of which found their way to our shores with the first fleet in 1788. Fortunately, Australians like to explore, and with that came the importation of new grape varieties and the development of avant-garde wine styles. Unfortunately, this fledgling diversity, excitement, and playfulness have, in some way, taken a back seat to the seriousness of wine... for too long.

Australia has mimicked its European counterparts in wine.

Climate-adaptive grape varieties, naturally made wines, quintessential Aussies winemakers and the movement away from the traditional mindsets of following our forefathers' farming techniques is where Australia’s wine future needs to be… and that is what sits in Paper Mache’s wheelhouse. As our name suggests, we are bits and pieces of everything, held together with

a new glue.

Paper Mache

McLaren Vale, South Australia

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